STEM Simplified

STEM Simplified

STEM-based practical
learning made accessible!

Let’s make STEM simple!

A combination of subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM is powering most of the inventions and innovations we’re seeing today.

Developing an understanding and love for STEM subjects builds a deep-rooted foundation for problem-solving, creative thinking, and critical analysis skills.

Skills that are essential for the future of work.

Sounds too serious?
It’s actually a whole lot of fun!

Let’s make STEM simple!

A combination of subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or STEM is powering most of the inventions and innovations we’re seeing today.

Developing an understanding and love for STEM subjects builds a deep-rooted foundation for problem-solving, creative thinking, and critical analysis skills.

Skills that are essential for the future of work.

Sounds too serious?
It’s actually a whole lot of fun!

Get, Set, Invent STEM creations today!

At Get Set Invent, our vision is to bring back fun into inventions and empower kids with skills, knowledge, and the confidence to create.

Each course is accompanied by a hands-on kit, providing a complete package for your child to learn while doing.

While the live coding and concept courses introduce kids to new concepts, the hands-on building develops their deep understanding of how things work and how they can create solutions.

Be it an automatic device to water plants while you’re away from home or light sensors to switch off lights when you step out – your kids can create real-life innovations with 100% practical applications.

Get, Set, Invent STEM creations today!

At Get Set Invent, our vision is to bring back fun into inventions and empower kids with skills, knowledge, and the confidence to create.

Each course is accompanied by a hands-on kit, providing a complete package for your child to learn while doing.

While the live coding and concept courses introduce kids to new concepts, the hands-on building develops their deep understanding of how things work and how they can create solutions.

Be it an automatic device to water plants while you’re away from home or light sensors to switch off lights when you step out – your kids can create real-life innovations with 100% practical applications.

No-fuss, easy-to-use kits and courses

No-fuss, easy-to-use kits and courses

Make STEM a way of life for your kid!

Make STEM a way of life for your kid!

Encourage them to ask questions & think of solutions.

Involve them in repairs around the house

Include practical experiments and aids for a hands-on experiential learning

Encourage them to ask questions & think of solutions.

Involve them in repairs around the house

Include practical experiments and aids for a hands-on experiential learning